Periodontal treatment and sinus elevation | PARADENT

Case Provided by Prof Anton Friedmann Orcid, Witten / Herdecke, Germany

1. Hopeless premolar with periodontal treatment and sinus elevation:

Hopeless premolar with periodontal treatment and sinus elevation

2. Sticky bone with crosslinked hyaluronic acid (xHyA) gel combined with porous porcine xenograft granules

Sticky bone with crosslinked hyaluronic acid (xHyA) gel combined with porous porcine xenograft granules

3. Post-op situation:

Post-op situation

4. 7m post-OP: PD ≤ 3 mm / BoP negative / CAL gain at 7 months ≈ 5.5 mm. Re-entry discloses defect resolution at distal wall

7m post-OP: PD ≤ 3 mm / BoP negative / CAL gain at 7 months ≈ 5.5 mm. Re-entry discloses defect resolution at distal wall

5. Final prosthetic work:

Final prosthetic work

6. 7 months histology of porcine xenograft with xHyA (H). Ongoing regenerative process:

  • Osteoclasts (O) resorb porcinexenograft (S)
  • New bone creation
  • Minimal presence of soft tissue

Final prosthetic work
Medical device