Infrabony defect | PARADENT

Case Provided by Prof Andrea Pilloni, Rome, Italy

1. Initial Situation: PPD of 10 mm:

Initial Situation: PPD of 10 mm

2. Initial Situation: PPD of 10 mm:

Initial Situation: PPD of 10 mm

3. Situation after flap preparation and thorough degranulation of defect:

Situation after flap preparation and thorough degranulation of defect

4. Defect filled with a mixture of xHyA and a bone filler:

Defect filled with a mixture of xHyA and a bone filler

5. Defect filled with a mixture of xHyA and a bone filler:

Defect filled with a mixture of xHyA and a bone filler

6. Situation 72h post-OP shows accelerated healing:

Situation 72h post-OP shows accelerated healing

7. Situation 72h post-OP shows accelerated healing:

Situation 72h post-OP shows accelerated healing

8. After 8 years. Significant reduction of probing depth to 2–3 mm:

After 8 years. Significant reduction of probing depth to 2–3 mm
Medical device