Enhancement of soft tissue by MCAT (modified coronally advanced tunnel) technique in combination with hyaluronic acid (HYADENT BG) and naturally cross-linked collagen membrane (Smartbrane) | PARADENT

Case Provided By Prof. Dr. Anton Friedman Orcid (Chair and Head Department of Periodontology, School of Dentistry, Faculty of Health, University of Witten, Germany)



Modified tunnel preparation:

Modified tunnel preparation

Smartbrane (30 x 40 mm) (Regedent, Dettelbach Germany):

Smartbrane (30 x 40 mm)

Placement of the folded Smartbrane inside the tunnel with the sliding PTFE suture:

Placement of the folded Smartbrane inside the tunnel with the sliding PTFE suture Placement of the folded Smartbrane inside the tunnel with the sliding PTFE suture
Placement of the folded Smartbrane inside the tunnel with the sliding PTFE suture

Coronally advanced tunnel with the Smartbrane inside:

Coronally advanced tunnel with the Smartbrane inside

Suturing of the folded Smartbrane with 4.0 PTFE (BioTex, Regedent, Germany) and Monocryl 6.0 (Ethicon, HH, Germany):

Suturing of the folded Smartbrane with 4.0 PTFE (BioTex, Regedent, Germany) and Monocryl 6.0 (Ethicon, HH, Germany)

Follow up after 5 months of healing:

Follow up after 5 months of healing
Follow up after 5 months of healing
Medical device